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Technical support

Whether you need guidance for setting up your laser or are running into a technical issue, our laser engineers and support team are available to offer you technical support as needed. 

Check out the FAQs below, or contact us at, or phone +44 (0)131 333 2200.

  • How do I know which laser is best for my application?
    Contact our technical team at and specify your application area. You can also visit the applications pages to review our suggested laser models for each application.
  • What is your typical laser lead time?
    All available models are shipped within 12 weeks of purchase. Our average lead time is 4 - 8 weeks.
  • Is my laser covered by warranty?
    Yes, all Skylark Lasers systems are supplied under warranty. Please check our Terms and Conditions for details, or contact us directly.
  • What is the lifetime of my laser?
    Please refer to our warranty terms and conditions. Excluding the UV range, the warranty covers 12 months or 5,000 hours operation.
  • Does my laser require installation?
    No installation is required. The laser can be set-up manually or this can be performed remotely by a Skylark Lasers engineer. Contact for support.
  • Does the laser fit to a universal optical bench size?
    Yes. We provide clamps with our laser which fit to any common bench with 25 mm spacing.
  • Do the lasers have an on/off key switch?
    Yes. There is an on/off key switch on the laser controller.
  • How do I power on the laser?
    You can use the key switch on the controller, or start the laser directly from the software (GUI). For further info please refer to your User Manual.
  • Do the lasers have an interlock feature?
    Yes, the interlock is a built-in safety feature of all our lasers.
  • What are the laser's suggested operating conditions?
    Optimal operating conditions are between 18 - 30°C.
  • What are the laser's storage conditions?
    To maximise laser lifetime, storage temperatures should not be out with 0 - 50°C. Can be up to 95% humidity, non-condensing.
  • How do I check the output power of my laser?
    Please use an external calibrated power meter. The value shown in the optional software (GUI) can be used as an indicator only, it does not show the exact power.
  • Can I adjust the laser's output power?
    Yes. The lasers are available to be supplied at any power within the specified range. The output power of each unit can then be controlled via an optional, external attenuation unit.
  • Which cooling options do you recommend?
    Our recommendation is to maintain a stable temperature and environmental conditions when using and storing the laser. All laser models are supplied with an integrated heatsink that can be easily connected to an external chiller. Ask our technical team at for guidance.
  • How do I operate the Skylark Lasers software (GUI)?
    The optionally supplied software includes all drivers for a Windows PC. Connection is made from the controller using a standard USB cable. For further info please refer to your User Manual.
  • Do you provide training for laser operation and maintenance?
    We supply a User Manual with all our lasers, covering all modes of operation and maintenance requirements. Training is not required, but our skilled engineers are available for a remote session as needed. If you need assistance, contact our technical support team at
  • Do I need an RMA to return my laser for service?
    Yes. Please contact our service team at They will provide all necessary documents to you.
  • How long will it take to service my laser?
    Warranty repairs are processed by us as a priority. After checking the goods upon receipt, we will inform you of the expected repair time.
  • Do I need to replace my internal optics?
    No. All our lasers are hermetically sealed. There is no requirement to change internal optics. The output window can be cleaned with an appropriate solvent.
  • I received my laser, but the packaging has external damage
    Do not unpack the laser. Refer to the Customer Receiving Inspection Sheet sent to you by email for full instructions. Take photographs of the packaging and send these to your local representative. We will arrange a full system check for your laser and ensure good operation under warranty terms.
  • What can I do if there is no output from the laser?
    1. Check mains power is functioning. 2. Then check all connections, and perform a power cycle. 3. Check the laser controller for any displayed messages. Contact our technical team for further guidance if needed.
  • There is a bright scatter pattern visible on the output window of my laser.
    This is likely caused by contamination or deposit on the optic. It can be resolved by cleaning the window with an appropriate solvent.
  • The laser head is warm to touch during operation
    Please check that the chiller is operating and water is flowing through the integrated heatsink.
  • The water circulating in my chiller and heatsink appears discoloured/not clear
    Replace the distilled water in your chiller system, after flushing the chiller and tubes with a new supply of water.
  • My chiller is displaying an error message, and/or not operating correctly.
    Please check and refill the chiller water reservoir if required. If issue persists, contact our technical support team at
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